A slow start with snow for the ski season has provided an opportunity for the construction crews to make some headway throughout most of December. Snow finally arrived in late December, dramatically improving skiing conditions just in time for many of Deer Valley’s holiday guests.

Below is an update on construction progress for the end of December 2024 at Sommét Blanc in Empire Pass at Deer Valley® Resort. Milestones include the start of horizontal shoring for Level Four at Building C, horizontal shoring for the second Garage Level (P1) of Building B, and continuation of shear walls and columns for the first half of the Bowling Level at Building A.

Scroll down to view recent progress from the photos below:

Above: Crews have been working on setting up the horizontal shoring for Level Four on the front half of Building C, and working on the installation of PT cables at the back half on Level Three. The large red tarps cover the precisely placed plumbing penetrations and PT cables and are used to collect and haul away snow. December 31, 2024.

Above: A view of the construction site looking towards Building B, with Building A in the background. At Building B, crews have assembled horizontal shoring above the P2 Garage Level and are now working on structural elements for the P1 Garage Level. Building B is the only building with two full levels of garage space underneath. December 31, 2024.

Above: Above is a view of the P2 Garage Level and columns, with horizontal shoring in place to allow work on the P1 Garage Level, which sits above P2. The lower Basement Level of Building B is no longer visible here; it is now buried underneath the grade. December 31, 2024.

Above: The columns and shear walls are nearly complete for the western half of Building A’s Basement Level, which includes the Cafe and Bowling amenity spaces. Soon, the crews can backfill around these exterior walls, and the construction access to the site will move to the west of Building A. This will allow crews to excavate the remaining portion of Building A. December 31, 2024.

Above: A view of the Bowling and Cafe spaces in the basement of Building A with the Empire Express chairlift in the background. December 31, 2024.