Aside from another round of late-season snow storms (epic powder days at Snowbird!), May has been another productive month for construction activity at Sommét Blanc. Major milestones include the completion of the base slab and the installation of foundation water-proofing and tied rebar structure in preparation for pouring the mat slab for Building C. Excavation has continued at Building B, with shoring installation at the east wall.

Scroll down to view the progress from the sequential photos below.

Above: Early stages of the Building B shoring wall – May 15, 2024.

Above: The placement, leveling, and compacting of base gravel for Building C – May 15, 2024.

Above: Pouring of the concrete base slab over compacted gravel for Building C – May 18, 2024.

Above: Continued excavation and the installation of the east shoring wall at Building B – May 30, 2024.

Above: Overview of the base concrete slab (light grey), with waterproofing overlay (black) and roughly two-thirds of the structural foundation mat slab rebar in place for Building C – May 30, 2024.

Above: Structural rebar in place for the Building C foundation mat slab – May 30, 2024.

Above: Crews are working on waterproofing the trench lines in the base slab. Future utility lines for Building C will be run through multiple conduit lines placed in these trench lines – May 30, 2024.